lunes, 16 de agosto de 2010

Who am I ????

Hi Everyone!

I'm Silvina, one of your classmates from Language III. Although I haven't graduated yet, I've been working as a teacher for more than 14 years! I must say that I've tried many things and yet, I've never found anything as exciting, challenging and rewarding as teaching.
I was born in Cordoba, in Traslasierra. I came to Buenos Aires on the day of my 15th birthday. This was 18 years ago, so more than half of my life has gone by in this huge city . Still, there's a clear bond with nature within me that prevails. That's why the best roommates I've had so far are my two dogs, my cat and my beautiful plants (a shrink would probably find a better explanation!).
I love Latin American folklore - its music takes me to amazing landscapes and cities. I play the charango and could spend a whole night dancing chacarera.

Working as a teacher, I don't have much free time
. However, I manage to get on my bike, squeeze into a swimming pool and quite often go down to Tigre for a nice row. My boyfriend is a good partner and we share these interests.

Being curious encourages me to try many things out but finish few. That's why this year is very important since I'm back at the "Joaquín" - a great challenge. I hope we can share and enjoy a nice learning experience.

Check my Linkedin profile HERE